Monday, May 10, 2010

Because double English isn't funny enough already:


Oh, the fun you can have with your brand new leavers hoodie.
I've had California Love by Tupac stuck in my head since yesterday, but I'm not complaining.

I'm going to see Neil's AL4 theatre thing tonight and planning that Drama question Rolo wanted us to do and had a massive paddy because none of us had done it ("You have no idea how hard the world is out there do you? You all live in your little St Albans bubbles and people are surpassing you into university as I speak") yadda yadda yadda. Apparently Sheps just had a massive go at the Drama staff and that's why they were in stupid stress mode.

Today's lunch talk consisted of breakfast time rat-beating, The Human Centipede movie and dodgy goings on involving bins and faces. Probably best not to ask.


  1. Haha I love the St. Albans bubble.
    How do you know that Sheps had a massive go at the Drama staff?
