Sunday, May 31, 2009

Omg, I want this hat so so so much!
It's £12.99 at Uni-Qlo, which is numero uno on my summer shopping hit list. There are so many clothes in there I want, it's unreal. Polo shirts, jeans, t-shirts...the list is endless.

Anyhoo, just letting you all know that I have super tan lines on my arms but not my legs. Which is annoying because I have my top laid out for the exam tomorrow and I don't think it's going to cover the line. But we got free nando's and ice cream (not together, obvs.) and I got paid so I'm nearly there when it comes to iPod Touch sexy time.

Revision for Media has gone pretty well. My example for the enigma code in narrative is Life on Mars, so I have a real reason to think about the Gene Genie tomorrow, instead of the usual, you know, gratuitous day dreaming. But otherwise I think I'm there, and I know where the hut is, so that's cool.

Not much left to say except for I hope you all had nice half terms, caught the sun and are excited about the summer!

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