Friday, May 1, 2009

I'm so so so tired.

I had to be in school at 8:00am for a Children's Hour rehearsal, which quite frankly, was a teeny bit pointless for me because they did the last scene which I'm not even in. I put up some set with Laura and ran lines with Joe and did a quick run of the Gma scenes with Becca. Then it was actual drama time, and we had to go upstairs to perform in front of Mrs Rowlands. It didn't go as well as last week, we've lost a bit of the spark and I have no idea how.

Anyway, I was late for the minibus and had to flag it down by running into the road and waving my arms just like that bit in Jurassic Park where he runs out in front of the plane but is eaten by a dino. Except there was no dino, I just got on and went to Sandringham.

I got there super early and there was no one waiting outside the room but Mrs Lean turned up and let me in and we talked briefly and I admitted my reluctance to go in the 6th Form block because it's not what I do. People started turning up and I'd completely forgotten we had a mock but I got on with it, despite getting incredibly irritated by everyone talking and generally being distracting. I wrote for the entire time, my hand hurt so much but I wanted to see how much I could get done without any revision. The mark is out of 80, and I imagine I will have got at least 50. I hope anyway. If I haven't, serious attention needs to be given.

I walked home and I've just been listening to music and being slobby since.

I need to pack for the weekend, and have a bath and dinner and stuff. I'm just taking my two shoulder bags, one with clothes and one with makeup, hair stuff, my diary and chargers and that stuff. No laptop. Earplugs.

Most important things are my iPod, my camera, The Rules of Attraction, Empire and makeup. In that order.

And by the way - Mum, if you go into my room when I'm away, not only will I be furious but I will also never speak to you again or tell you anything and there is absolutely no way that I'm going to buy you a twix from town ever ever ever ever ever again. Thanks.

Goodbye internet.
*stares at the new Iron Man II picture*


  1. Hello. so i have tired to catch up on all the blogs i missed but alas that didn't work. Love the pictures of iron man 2 and the interesting facts about your school life. Can you send me the link for Laura's blog when you get back??

    have fun on your trip to play football??? did i get that right??

    and did you hear about what happened at sandringham and loreto yesterday??

  2. Jane's mum says: too late. I've already been in. (1) to open the curtains, to stop the condensation rotting the window-frames even more than they are already rotted and (2) to turn off your laptop because, whatever you think, electricity does cost money. If you, or anyone else, thinks this is ureasonable, well - I could always post a photo of your room and let people decide whether it wouldn't be better TIDIER. Up for it?
