Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hey, it's a random and rare Tuesday post!

Today was loltastic. Drama was anyway. The subject which was my worst, and has now become my favourite. It was just hilarious the whole way through, intentionally or not. From being crushed in the centre of the room to reading out a stream of conciousness and then pretending to set up a year eleven prom - none of which sound particularly amusing in type - but in real life was blimmin' funny.

And hey, guess what? In Media, I changed my Practical Production. AGAIN! Only because Samuels and Ashton came and gave us a massive chat about how our first drafts really weren't at a good standard. So now I have 4 weeks only to produce 3 pages of practical showing clear improvment from last years coursework. The coursework I was only a couple of marks off full marks with. HOW ON EARTH IS THAT POSSIBLE? IT'S NOT. THAT IS THE ANSWER.

Anyway, it rained a lot today and I got some good news and some bad news together and I'm feeling stressed out but for no particular reason that I can put my finger on.

I shall leave you with my favourite quote of the day:

Ali: Yeah...and on its menstrual cycle it craps minstrels.
Liz and I: What?
Ali: Minstrels. On it's minstrel cycle.
Liz and I: For God's sake Ali!

Followed by lots of laughing.

ETA: When sleeping is your priority [taken last night, I'm half asleep, ugh].


1 comment:

  1. i'm glad drama was fun, so was my drama lesson. I'm sorry you felt stressed! so did i for a bit but watching youtube videos cheered me up!


    would i be able to borrow the idea of 'what am i up to?' plus in the maltings in town there is a calendar shop and they have a gene hunt one!! thought you might like to know!
