Sunday, September 6, 2009

Caring is Sharing!
For one week, recommend/share something different every day!


I've read quite a few books this holiday, and the majority were not the ones we were supposed to read. So while Dracula and Frankenstein sit quietly on my desk, and Anne Perry remains a couple of chapters in, I'm going to write about how great a book called The Time Traveler's Wife is.

I bought it to take on holiday, and I started reading it straight after The Wasp Factory because I figured I'd need something a little more light hearted after the foul ending of TWF.

I was a bit wrong about the light hearted thing. Yes, there were points that were funny, and made you think, and made you go all gooey inside, but for the most part, the undeniable sense that this love story was going to have a horrifically tragic ending was unavoidable. And good Lord, it was sad. In my opinion, sadder than The Kite Runner. Which was heartbreaking for other reasons, but heartbreaking all the same.

But seriously, if you haven't read this book yet, read it soon. And I advise you not to see the film before you've read the book. They cut so much out of the book for the film, and although the film was alright, and depressing, the book had much more character development and storyline so you really felt the punch in the stomach at the end.

I did anyway.

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