Sunday, June 20, 2010


As much as us Who fans all hate to admit it, series finale time is upon us. This ultimately means solo-viewing of the episode as it airs, texting fellow Who friends followed by immediate internetz to check theories, pose and answer questions and try and find out what the hell the Moffat is trying to do to us.

"The Pandorica. That's a fairytale."
"...aren't we all?"

So, The Pandorica Opens, with all the build up throughout the series with the cracks and the warnings and all sorts, was obviously going to be somekind of insane setup to make sure that the last episode will be as explosive and memorable as possible. And indeed it was. I already knew that the Cybermen would be returning, though I was pleasantly surprised to see that Moffat has decided (and listened to the fans) to not just have the Daleks or the Cybermen solely returning, as this tends to result in many a rolling eye.

There was a great mix of cameo, if you can call that, from Vincent, Liz 10, Churchill and Bracewell, the returning River Song (who on the internet generates an equal ratio of love to hate) and some great comedy as well, which was nice to see in such a tense episode.

"Oh, missing something obvious Rory! Something big. Something right slap in front of me, I can feel it."
"Yeah, I think you probably are."

And Rory returned! Well, sort of and not really. I think he's going to be one of those very important plot points, even more so than he already is, perhaps. I have to admit, I did do a little cheer when he appeared. And some sadness when he asked if Amy had missed him. And that cliffhanger. You can't be serious, Moff? You can't be. There is, if you want to find it, an interesting interview with Karen Gillan in the Radio Times which may or may not suggest that she'll definately be coming back. I suppose it depends on what she's been told to say. You know what the DW publicity people are like.

I will say this: I might die too if she doesn't come back. I love me a bit of Amy Pond.

"You know sometimes I have really brilliant ideas?"
"Sorry. Look at me! I'm a target!"

That final montage (they love a good montage on DW) was horrible to watch. Very sad and very powerful and though TV tends to totally overdo their slow motion button, DW did it perfectly with the Doctor's feet struggling to get a grip on the floor as he's dragged to the Pandorica, Rory holding a dying Amy and River trapped inside an exploding TARDIS - it finished with the entire Who fandom screaming at the TV 'how on Earth are they going to get out of this one?'

It's going to be a long week.

What did you think? Thoughts/theories/ideas?

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