Thursday, June 10, 2010

People ask me, fairly often, if I miss playing football. And, in the light of the six-a-side last weekend and the forthcoming World Cup, my answer is yes, I miss it. In fact, I miss it a hell of a lot more than a lot of other things I've given up. There was (and is) something about it that's addictive. Perhaps it's the passion, or the skill of the players or that feeling when the score is at 1-1 and your magic winning shot curls its way into the back of the net. I don't know.

I really had some great times when I played. The people I met and the experiences all made up for the losses and in one case, the broken bones. Wearing number ten for St Albans City Youth was a great feeling, as was being the first girl to reach one hundred appearances, and winning Player of the Season.

And so, when England come out onto the pitch on Saturday evening, I shall be watching intently. And when the final is played whilst we're out in Corfu (the night before we come home, would you believe?) I shall hopefully be watching that as well.


Unf, those kits were a sexy shade of yellow. (Megan smashing a girl out of the way just out of shot).


  1. Well then WHO posts and pictures will be more frequent :)

    by the way the picture above made me smile :)

    Why did you stop playing football?

  2. I miss playing soccer as well. I can feel your pain. :(

