Saturday, January 22, 2011

I feel like I should blog but quite frankly nothing particularly fascinating is happening at the moment. This is, apparently, the bad part of being on a gap year. People are all at university and people who aren't are off in different countries, or are about to leave. I turned 19 though, which was cool.

I saw The King's Speech and it was brilliant. As someone who enjoys intergalactic space battles and car crashes and explosions and gun fights I was engaged throughout and the plot didn't lag at all. Colin Firth will win Best Actor or there is something very wrong with the world.

I have an interview at University College Falmouth on the 21st of February but no word from anywhere else. I will not panic. I will not panic.

I'm finding it difficult to apply myself at the moment and I really don't have time to faff about. I guess I'm just a bit worried and can't think ahead to anything. Bah. Unhelpful things are unhelpful.

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