Wednesday, August 4, 2010

It's been a long time since I've blogged, and not just me. Everyone seems to be away at the moment, enjoying holidays or breaks. I'm home alone as I write this as Neil and Dad are up in Carlisle and Mum is at work. The boys don't get back until Sunday, so I'll be spending this week sitting by myself in the house, doing odd jobs and trying not to freak out.

The latter, I'm afraid is not going so well. I am panicking, quite a bit, about what I'm supposed to be doing with myself. I'm still searching for work, though it's near impossible as A, I don't have any experience and B, I don't have a C in Maths GCSE. This immediately makes me pretty much un-employable, if that's even a word, and worse than that, what universities will want to take me without it? Exactly.

So I've tried doing to some research into what I can do, and Oaklands College don't do Maths courses, and the re-takes are in November but I don't have any coursework to back up the exam even if I did somehow get myself in for it. Plus I have to pretty much learn the entire course all over again, and no way can I fit two years of learning into a couple of months.

The worst thing is I had my chance before and I just blew it. I could've re-taken in year 12 but I was so bloody stupid and not thinking ahead and this is precisely the reason why I feel like a twat talking about it because it is my fault that I'm in this mess.

I know this is a ranty blog but I need to get this out of my head.

So, my outlook is this - I keep trying to hopelessly find a job, whilst trying to find somewhere that I can do Maths before next year in the hope that I'll have the grades in time to get to University. I also have to cram in open days and application among this, as well as attempting not to feel every single day like I'm slacking off, sponging off my parents by still living in the house without bringing in any income and generally not doing anything with myself that could be considered 'productive'.

What a crappy blog post. Sorry.
Have a better day.

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